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This website is not intended to be, and you should not rely on any materials on this website as, a source of legal advice. Postings to this website have been prepared for informational and entertainment purposes only.
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This website is neither affiliated with nor supported by my employer or any of its or my clients. All views expressed on this website are mine alone (but they should be yours, too). Moreover, all mistakes on this website are mine alone.
I have written extensively, on this website and others, about politics, public policy, and professional hockey. This website has always been, and will remain, an online place for me to have public conversations about things that (a) interest me and (b) I think will be interesting to others. I will undoubtedly fail when it comes to (b):
And sometimes I will be wrong. But that does not mean I do not appreciate your readership or comments. I’m just a naturally curious person, and a wide range of subjects can hold my attention (or provoke a response). I also do not have a very effective mental “off” switch. A good friend and mentor once described me as an “inveterate rambler,” and you will probably frequently find evidence of that claim here. I make no apologies for it, in advance or otherwise.
Because all lawyers have certain ethical obligations and legal duties to their clients, there will inevitably be times when I remain silent on even an important case or political development or public policy issue. You should not take my silence as my statement or opinion on that case or development or issue (otherwise known as “The Balloon Juice fallacy“).
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This website is not a public forum. I personally pay for the site hosting and put personal effort into the site’s design and content, such as they are. In providing this website and the information on it, I reserve the following rights:
The right of control over content and comments.
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The right to block comments by specific persons.
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Last updated on September 17, 2019.