How a Kansas Stripper Wound up in a Missile Silo with Chemists Manufacturing LSD


Prompted by this story to research further, I present you one of the more bizarre drug war stories I’ve ever encountered, complete with a three-year run from the DEA:

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More weird stories here, and more Krystle Cole here.

Stay in school, kids.

Quotation of the Day: The Fifth Amendment and the Federalist Society

Getting excited about stuff like this only adds volume to the steady drumbeat between my ears that keeps telling me I should have pulled the proverbial trigger and gone to law school upon completing my undergraduate work. (Keep reading)

Quotation of the Day: Worrisome Elizabeth Warren

It’s pretty sad that people who once styled themselves as the “adults in the room,” after a controversial Bush presidency sent the Republican Party into the proverbial wilderness, now venerate someone who willfully misleads people in academia to persuade them of her conclusions. (Keep reading)

Quotation of the Day: Cato’s Gene Healy on the Constitution and the President’s Powers

If the men who wrote the Constitution thought the president should have Chuck Norris-level powers, they would have specified that in the text of the document, just as they specified Congress’s enumerated powers in Article I, Section 8. Let’s stop pretending that the President of the United States is a Hollywood action/thriller star, and start treating him like the just-a-man he is. (Keep reading)