Digital 4th Campaign Becomes First, Possibly Only, Group to Make Tech Policy Hip with New ECPA Reform Video

The pace of technological innovation is astronomically faster than the pace of legislation and/or regulation. It’s time to update the Electronic Communications Privacy Act of 1986, and this awesome video explains why. (Keep reading)

Federal Election Commissioner Ann Ravel: Tea Party Leadership Fund Hasn’t Suffered Enough Yet to Deserve Liberty

It’s a sad day when being being treated equally before the law is contingent upon one person’s interpretation of how much or if you’ve suffered from government harassment. (Keep reading)

VIDEO: Original “Revenge of the Jedi” Theatrical Trailer


Revenge of the Jedi: Teaser Trailer

Watch the original teaser trailer for Revenge of the Jedi, which appeared in theaters before Star Wars creator George Lucas changed the name of the film to Return of the Jedi.

According to the caption, this was

…the original teaser trailer for Revenge of the Jedi, which appeared in theaters before Star Wars creator George Lucas changed the name of the film to Return of the Jedi. This trailer features the completed Revenge of the Jedi logo, shows Luke wielding a blue lightsaber (in the final film, his Jedi weapon would have a green blade), and features a quick shot of Obi-Wan Kenobi before “spirit” effects were added.

YouTube/Official STAR WARS channel

Related: in addition to not being called “Revenge of the Jedi,” studios codenamed the movie that we know as “Return of the Jedi” as “Blue Harvest” to keep the storyline and production process under wraps from Hollywood snoops.

And that’s your STAR WARS history lesson for the day, kids.

Archaeologist William Kelso Has Discovered Evidence of Cannibalism at Historic Jamestowne

I probably never would have known about a fascinating archaeological discovery about life in the New World if I didn’t accidentally miss visiting Historic Jamestowne when I was in southeastern Virginia last winter. (Keep reading)

Hampton Coliseum

My favorite band kicks off its fall tour tonight in Hampton, Virginia — I’ve been working remotely from Suffolk today, just across the James River from Hampton. “The Mother Ship,” as Phish fans call it, is where the Vermont quartet reunited in 2009 after a multi-year hiatus:


Phish, March 6, 7, 8 2009, Hampton Coliseum. For more information, please visit http:/ Become a fan of Phish on Facebook at . To join the Phish Update E-Mail list, please visit http:/

And it was also the site where Phish recorded the material that went into its first box set. Needless to say, I’m pretty excited to be spending the next three nights in this venue with this band.

While I’m glad to be back online and writing again, it’s time to sign off for the night. Thanks for stopping by!