Quotation of the Day: #TheWire and Liberty’s Branding Problem
An astute critique from my friend and former colleague Bryan Pick. (Keep reading)
These views are mine alone, but they should be yours, too.
An astute critique from my friend and former colleague Bryan Pick. (Keep reading)
I need to go rethink my life after reading this. (Keep reading)
Now I’m hungry. (Keep reading)
Getting excited about stuff like this only adds volume to the steady drumbeat between my ears that keeps telling me I should have pulled the proverbial trigger and gone to law school upon completing my undergraduate work. (Keep reading)
It’s pretty sad that people who once styled themselves as the “adults in the room,” after a controversial Bush presidency sent the Republican Party into the proverbial wilderness, now venerate someone who willfully misleads people in academia to persuade them of her conclusions. (Keep reading)
Today’s quotation comes from the trailer to a forthcoming documentary on the game of hockey in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. (Keep reading)
You’re getting a two-fer today since I had more on my plate yesterday than I thought, at points, I’d be able to handle. (Keep reading)
When a progressive calls a Republican or libertarian a “radical,” that’s usually because that Republican or libertarian has a problem with treating the office of the presidency like an elected monarchy. (Keep reading)
The tension between congressional and presidential powers is interesting enough, but a president’s own interpretation of the limits of his constitutional powers is an exceptionally fascinating phenomenon to watch. (Keep reading)
Reflexive anti-Anglicism unites political factions in the United States, and Silent Cal was right about bad laws. (Keep reading)